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The intention for a fire-safe valve is to maintain a strategic distance from or defeat ignitable fluid (liquid or gas or gasses encircled from liquid stage) to pass, at any rate for a given time and in any occasion in the midst of that period not in segregating aggregates, a close valve in the midst…
We all are worried about the safety of our loved ones and our assets. Life is uncertain, and it is not really possible to live free from the worries of any unforeseen natural or error-driven threats. As the machinery and industrial parts are getting more complex, the need to keep things in control is increasing…
An electric actuator, also called as an electro-mechanical actuator, is a motor that makes use of electrical energy for producing mechanical energy. These are used in a number of applications and are favored by many industrial users. OF THE ADVANTAGES OF ELECTRIC ACTUATORS CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: Greater flexibility – Being highly flexible, these actuators are…
A pneumatic actuator works by converting energy, which is usually in the form of compressed air. When it comes to pneumatic actuators, they offer a number of advantages to the users. LISTED BELOW ARE FEW OF THE BENEFITS OFFERED BY THESE TYPES OF ACTUATORS: Components – Another major advantage offered by pneumatic actuators is their simple design…
Electric as well as pneumatic actuators are quite well known for their varied uses. In case you are confused as to which type of actuator out of these two will suit your needs, then we are there to help you. An electric actuator is the one which makes use of electrical energy to produce mechanical energy. While, a pneumatic…
After valve installation, it is important to take care of a ball valve and to ensure its proper maintenance. However, in many cases, even when you take great care of the valves to make sure that they function properly, still there might be cases wherein they need replacement. This could be when the seals are broken or…
Once a valve is installed it is important that it is properly maintained, so that it works in an efficient manner. This is one such aspect which is overlooked many a times, but needs the utmost attention of the users. Poor or no maintenance of a valve can result in severe problems, leading to many…
Control Valves are the valves that are used to control different conditions. These are being frequently used in many areas to control the flow, temperature, pressure, or level of any liquid. They work by closing or opening either fully or partially, when signals are received from the controllers. By assisting in controlling the flow/temperature of liquid,…
There are various types of end connections that a valve can have. Depending upon the types of applications the valves are being used for, you can choose the right type of end connections. The common types of valve end connections are as follows: Flanged Valve End Connections – These are one of the easiest connections to…
One of the most important aspects of using a valve for any application is to determine its right size. Ascertaining the correct size is extremely important to have adequate control of flow rate. Sizing a valve is based on a number of factors. These are pipe size, type of material, flow design, pressure drop, and…

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